15 February 2009


After spending 2 months here I realise I'm rotting. 2 months without any games to play with damn boring!!! So on 11 Feb that evening again I went to pasar malam with my friends. After deciding on multiple choices of games in front of me and I finally bought this game Lord of the Rings Conquest which was just release last month. This is actually a third person shooter game similar to the game play as Star Wars: Battlefront 2
but I mistaken it for a Strategy game. Oh well at least I got a game to play right? So yeah! I was damn happy to try out this new game and after I got it install guess what? I can't play the game due to the laptop graphic requirement. So I'm damn sad bout it and now I'm still stuck without a game to play how bored! With Freedom comes boredom. I think I should get a part time job or something for now and go get myself a desktop which will allow me to play all the latest game I want. With the latest graphic requirements etc. Hopefully it won't take me that long to get one.
Till next time...

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